Thank you for continuing to enjoy SpellTower over all these years! Completely rewritten from the ground up with loads of bug fixes Option to disable pulsating warning bars
12" iPad Pro and iPhone 6 / 6+ support! Multiplayer is BACK and better than ever (now you can play over the internet, not just locally) New Zen mode! Puzzle mode without those pesky length requirements Brand new dictionary licensed from Merriam-Webster I'm doing my best to fix that, but it seems like it isn't possible for every single device. I wish there was a better way to fix this, but the truth is the mistake was made 5 years ago with the old version you had and loved.
You will lose your data (and I'm incredibly sorry about this, it was not my intention), but the old data was stored in such a way that it could become corrupted and lost through a device update (getting a new phone or ipad) or through usual play (i received many reports of highscores sometimes returning to the state they were in days or weeks back in a current game). If you are still getting crashes, one possibility is corrupted data from the previous version. It may crash one more time, but should not crash after that for affected devices. *4.0.4 - Hopefully fixed the crashing bug. Add to that its thoughtful game-design touches, and Spelltower is a great value for word-game fans. Word-game fans know that execution counts for a lot given this genre's simple, repetitive gameplay, and Spelltower excels at that, with satisfying audio and visual feedback. The game also comes with a local multiplayer mode that lets you compete device-to-device over Bluetooth, with a handicap system for handling skill disparities-and we hope to see more multiplayer options in future releases. Spelltower has a nice variety of modes, ranging from fast-playing frantic (with rows getting added from the bottom when you form a word, or on a timer) to the more perfectionist and meditative Tower Mode, in which you try to score the most points possible from 100 letters.

The game also adds a few wrinkles with its special squares, such as dead squares with no letters, blue squares that will take out a whole row, and squares that require a minimum number of letters to form a word. This adds another satisfying layer of think-ahead strategy, as you're looking for not just good words, but good Bejeweled-style setups for future moves. Spelltower's innovation is stacking its grid in a tower-so that when you create a word, you remove all adjacent letters, dropping down all the letters above accordingly. The gameplay should be familiar to word-game fans: you find words on a grid of letters, which you can trace over horizontally, vertically, or diagonally (even overlapping the path that you trace) to form words and remove the letters. Spelltower is a well-made word-puzzle game with a stylish feel and enough built-in variants to justify its price tag.