The effective dose of CBD oil for anxiety or chronic stress usually falls on the moderate to heavy range of the spectrum. The best way to find the right dose for your body is to start with a very low dose (2 mg, for example) and increase by 2-5 mg per dose until you find what works best for you.

The most common dose of CBD is 20 – 40 mg per dose. Key Takeaways: How Much CBD Should I Use?.Pro Tip: Match the Potency of the Oil With Your Estimated Target Dose.Every time you try a new brand of CBD, the dose can change due to factors such as:.Step #4: Tweak The Dose To Match Your Body.

Quick Reference Chart For Finding The Number of Drops Per Dose For Common CBD Oil Potencies.
How to Find the Number of Drops of CBD Oil You Need Based On Your Target Dose:.Common CBD Oil Doses By Drop (Assuming the Dropper Provides 30 Drops per mL):.Step #3: Convert the Dose into Drops (Optional).Here’s What You Need to Take Into Account:.Step #2: Determine the Potency of Your CBD Oil.Here’s the General Rule of Thumb for CBD Dosing According to Weight & Strength:.Dosing CBD: 4 Steps to Finding the Perfect Dose of CBD Oil.CBD Dosage Chart by Weight & Strength (in mg).Calculating the Dose of CBD Based on Your Weight (How This Calculator Works).